Wednesday 17 August 2016

Recent Obsessions #1 | Faith

Since it's summer, I have been finding ways to occupy myself. Some of the things on this list have been on my mind for a while, and I only just recently got into it. Most of the things that are on this list are not actually book related, but I think that's okay and hopefully it's okay with you as well. In this post, I will be telling you all about everything that I am currently loving at the moment!

I would say that I am definitely a lover of TV shows and movies. There are a lot of TV shows that I wish I could put on this list, but that wouldn't be fair because they aren't really recent obsessions. As mentioned before, IT'S SUMMER and I need to occupy myself somehow. This time is usually where I start discovering and watching movies as well as TV shows. Having Netflix doesn't really help with me trying to cut down my watch list...

The first thing that is on my list, is Guardians of The Galaxy. If you don't know what this is, it is a Marvel movie set in space. I honestly kind of feel like I am the last person on the planet to watch and fall in love with this movie. This has been on my watch list for a while now, but I never got around to it. There's something about space that I don't like very much, and I'm very picky when it comes to this sort of stuff. I remember seeing the trailers everywhere, and it just didn't appeal to me. For a while, I put this movie on as background noise but I never actually sat down and watched it. It's kind of like what happened with Ant-Man.

One day, I just decided to watch it because I was getting frustrated at myself for not watching it. First of all, I LOVE THE SOUNDTRACK. Second, I think this is probably my favourite Marvel movie. It was one of those things where I didn't have to think about it, it just set itself in my brain as my favourite. There hasn't been a day where I haven't put this on the TV.


The Comedy | This is probably one of the funniest movies I have ever watched. I would say that the script was really well done. I found that every character in this movie each had their own comedic traits which made the film really special.

The Characters | If you have seen this movie, you would know how FREAKING INCREDIBLE these characters are. The characters were part of the reason why I became so obsessed with this film. While I do love most of the characters in the movie, I would say that my favourites are Gamora because she's green and she's just super cool. Another character would be Groot because he is Groot. I feel like you can't mention Groot without mentioning Rocket, Rocket is obviously another favourite character of mine.

The Fight Scenes | I love a good fight scene, and this movie has plenty. You know sometimes when it comes to CGI and space, I will usually not like it but in this case I really liked it. There were a lot of explosions but they didn't consume the entire movie.

The Infinity Stone Scene | If you have seen the movie, you would know exactly the scene I'm talking about. For those of you who haven't watched it, I won't say anything about it that's detailed. All I will say is that it's my favourite scene in the entire film and it's EPIC. I mean there are a couple of scenes that involve the stone, but the last scene was the best!

The second thing is one of my favourite TV shows of all time, and that is How To Get Away With MurderThis show is FANTASTIC. I just finished watching the second season not too long ago and HOLY GUACAMOLE! Somehow, the creators of the show manage to make things more and more messed up than it already is and I love it.

This was a show that I actually started watching last year, and like many others I was hooked from the beginning. For some reason, I just stopped watching the second season and I don't know why because the second season was a roller coaster. Every episode, you're left with a horrific or jaw dropping cliffhanger and it's just so crazy.


Viola Davis | I don't think I have to say anything. She won an enemy and had a fantastic speech. She's an amazing actress.

The Story lines | This is an area where I'm not really going to go into detail. But let me just say that every arc that this show has had is SUPER intense and MIND BLOWING.

The Diversity | How to Get Away With Murder is very diverse compared to various other TV shows and movies. While a lot of shows stopped with one or two characters who are of colour or who identified themselves as part of the LGTBQ+ community, How to Get Away with Murder didn't. The characters who are on this show that fit into those categories don't really fall into the stereotype that often surrounds them. I think it's super important that we have that, because not every person in the world fits into a stereotype. Another great thing is that they showcase interracial couples! 

The third thing that I've become obsessed with is Buffy The Vampire Slayer! This show is literally what the title says, it's about Buffy who is The Slayer. I honestly cannot tell you why I avoided this show for so long. I had seen random episodes but I never watched it from the beginning. 

At the moment, I have taken a break from Buffy. There is no reason behind it, I just stopped watching and I'm hoping I can finish all of the seasons soon. However, I am not really in the mood for a vampire hunting show.


The World | This show has a really complex and well built world. It's such a fascinating show to watch mainly because of all of the hidden gems that randomly pop up throughout the seasons. I also love the history that is behind the slayer. There is always some sort of intricate back story that goes behind a character or group of people.

Story ARCS | Obviously, the season does have a main problem but one of my favourite parts of Buffy The Vampire Slayer is how there is a new storyline every episode. I don't think I've ever been bored with any of the episodes that I have seen.

The Characters | A lot of the characters that are on Buffy are very memorable in my opinion. They each have their own qualities that make them who they are.

The fourth thing is definitely one of the more random things on this list, and that is FUNKO Pops. I have always loved FUNKO Pops but I never had one until recently. It was kind of like once I got one, I suddenly just wanted every single FUNKO pop that fit my interest. At the moment, I'm only collecting the Harry Potter ones, but now I really want ones from Arrow (The Green Arrow & Felicity), The Flash, Mulan and now Guardians of The Galaxy. I kind of want someone to pin me down and yell SLOW DOWN.

This is just a really random fact, but I found the FUNKO Pop community on youtube and I am now just having a marathon watching all of their videos. It's so interesting, and in a way I kind of understand because I collect books but some of these people are so intense. The thing is, it is only making me rethink my FUNKO pop purchases because now I'm paying attention to paint jobs and conditions of the boxes.


I wouldn't say that I am a lover of modern music. On occasion, I will listen to the popular songs that everybody else is listening to but overall, I don't follow it that much. What I do listen to is Journey, Whitney Houston and a lot of musicals. OH--and Disney! Duh.

The fifth thing that's on my list is Melanie Martinez. I don't really follow or continuously listen to artists when they come out with albums and songs, only because I am more of a stage/musical person.  However, I love Melanie Martinez. At first I will admit, she kind of scared me at first just because she was unlike anyone I had ever seen before. I don't know what it was, but I was pulled in by her entire look and her music. I also just love her hair. She is a very creative person, and I love how her album Cry Baby tells a story.


I have been a horrible book blogger. A lot of the blogs I used to follow kind of just "disappeared" from the Internet so I didn't really read many blogs for a LONG TIME. There were obviously very few that I did read, but I never went out to discover new ones until recently. I'm actually quite proud of myself because, I have been discovering at least one new blog that I love a day. While there are now many, I do have a few of my favourites that I will list.

The first is Cait at Paper Fury. This blog is probably one of the most aesthetically pleasing blogs I have ever seen. Paper Fury also has BEAUTIFUL pictures. This blog also has really great posts! I found that they're actually pretty creative, and I haven't found a post that I didn't like. Their posts are really fun to read. Not only is their blog awesome, but they have a really cute Etsy store.

If you'd like to view this blog, click the banner.

The second book blogger is Naz at Read Diverse Books! I believe I discovered his blog through Twitter. It amazes me how he's only been blogging for 6 months, because I think that he's so good at it. His blog has a very sophisticated and professional look to it. The content on his blog is really interesting to read about. If you're looking for a diverse read, I highly suggest that you go and check his blog out because I actually got a lot of suggestions from there. And I'm really excited to pick them up when I can. 

If you'd like to view this blog, click the banner.

The third and final blog is aBiblioTopia! I just had to put this on my list because not only are Charlotte and Hannah, Raquel and I's friends but they have a really great blog! I know this isn't a new blog for me, but it could be for you! They a few new posts that you can read. All of their reviews are Spoiler-free which is a plus because you probably don't want to be spoiled if you haven't read the book yet.

If you'd like to view this blog, click the banner.


I really hope you enjoyed reading this. If you noticed a difference in the format/layout of my post it's because I wanted to change the way I wrote. For a long time, I just wasn't happy with how I was formatting my posts, so I decided to test it out in this post. This post was really fun to create. Not gonna lie, I kind of want to do this monthly.

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  1. OMG THAT WAS A COMPLETE SURPRISE. *blushes* thank yoooou. <3 You totally just made my day. EEEEP. Ahem. And also I'll join you flailing over Guardians of the Galaxy! I was the same. I watched it really late hhaha. And actually I keep watching the first hour over and over because it's my favourite. The prison break scene though OMG.😂 I love how it epically combined the hysterical humour with the awesome action scenes. Like, wow, just wow.
    And I'd like to watch How To Get Away With Murder. For tips. HAHA JUST KIDDING I DID NOT SAY THAT AHEM. I would like to watch it because people rave about it. *nods* I never seem to have time to watch stuff anymore though, boo. I wish I did! I'm always obsessed with Supernatural and I need to catch up on Teen Wolf. Soooomeday.

    1. You're welcome! And omigoodness, I totally agree with you! How To Get Away With Murder actually does give some interesting tips...Not that I have used any of them... Teen Wolf is just getting crazier with each season. It's incredible. You should really catch up, there's only going to be one more season! :(


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